Our first Online Course is in the works!



Join us for an immersive online experience









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Do you find yourself stuck in that box?

You know the box I'm talking about! Do you find it hard to break free and play fluidly?

Feel frustrated by the fretboard?

Not knowing the notes, much less  how scales and chords are connect?

Do you say No to a guitar solo?

Afraid that you will not know what to play when the time comes? 

Meet Your Instructor


For over 15 years, Rob Lobasso has been helping guitarists worldwide achieve their guitar-playing dreams. Rob has empowered players at every level to unlock the fretboard, master complex techniques, and express themselves freely.

Through his personalized teaching methods, his passion for guitar and commitment to student success, Rob has become a trusted mentor to aspiring musicians around the globe, Through his personalized teaching methods and in-depth courses,.

Get Started

 For many guitarists, learning the instrument can be a frustrating and overwhelming journey. One of the biggest hurdles they face is not truly understanding the fretboard, scales, and chords. It’s not a nice feeling, is it? Staring at a mess of notes on the fretboard, feeling lost, unable to make sense of how everything connects.

The lack of clarity not only hinders your progress but it can also drain the joy out of playing. This common struggle often leaves guitarists feeling stuck, uninspired, and even doubting their ability to ever master the instrument.

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Imagine standing on a stage in front of 10,000 screaming fans and letting rip into a completely jammed out improvised solo, trading licks confidently with the likes of Joe Satriani, Steve Vai or John Petrucci to name a few?

How would you get to that level? What is the Secret Sauce, Magic Spell, the 3 wishes granted to you by a genie? What do these guys know that you don’t?

The key to breaking free from this frustration is a systematic approach that helps you understand the “why” behind the “what.” When you know how the fretboard works, how scales and intervals connect, and how chords are built and related to scales, the guitar neck transforms from a confusing jumble of notes into an organized system.

'Hi, I’m Rob Lobasso, and I was once where you are now. I know what it’s like to feel frustrated, angry, and even ready to launch the guitar out the window.

I’ve been there, questioning my own abilities and wondering if I’d ever truly master the fretboard. It was a love-hate relationship until I finally cracked the code.

That’s exactly why I designed this course—to help you break through those barriers, understand the guitar inside and out, and achieve the freedom to play with confidence and creativity.'

The Alien Guitar Secrets Fretboard Mastery Course is an in depth study of the world's most versatile, yet misunderstood instruments.

The guitar has always been a rebels instrument, Always played by the coolest cats around. A rather difficult instrument to learn, it lives more in the contemporary genres of Rock, Blues & metal. It is not exactly adored by Music Educators as it is a magnet for the 'artists', nor the Classical aficionados, as it breaks every rule in the book, from playing with your teeth to swing it violently around your body as if it were attacking its host like a Kamikaze pilot in Pacific Ocean. The ability to make it sing however seems reserved for only but a few. So many try, yet so many come and go away with a whimper.

With my course you wont!

I promise to deliver a course packed with accurate information and delivered with enthusiasm, that will help to transform your playing

I invite you to join me

See you inside!


Rob Lobasso  

Get Started

What is included?

Over 10 Hours of Video Lessons

A clear, step-by-step approach to mastering the fretboard.

Q&A to answer all your questions

Our program is designed to be an unforgettable and transformative experience. With over 10 hours of video lessons and in depth downloadable pdf's, mastering the fretboard is truly within reach. You will be guided every step of the way, so, what are you waiting for, Transform your guitar playing today.


Get Started


"Amazing experienced teacher always giving a great learning experience with perfect communication and delivery of musical knowledge and practical application"


"Rob's dedication and creativity has widened my eyes in my path in life and musically. He has perpetuated my love of the guitar and music, and teaches like no other. Lessons will Rob leave you wanting more, learning with Rob has accelerated my abilities with the guitar and I would highly recommend!"


"My weekly lesson with Rob is one of the most enjoyable times in the week. Rob challenges me to develop further in both my theory and playing techniques. He is supportive and has given me confidence to play live. Rob is simply excellent!"